Tuesday, December 16, 2008

We've got Annie!!

Last night the fam headed to the OPAC to see, Annie. It's a traveling theatre show....I think from NYC, and they were great! The little actress that played Annie was super talented! That girl could dance and sing like nothing I had ever seen before! The orphans were precious, too!

We took Mally and Kimbell. Mally sat at the edge of her seat clapping her little hands at the end of every performance...it was so cute. We had rented the movie this past weekend and she watched it maybe 20 times. It was a great musical. I'm so glad we went.(:

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The Rouse Family said...

Julee--I LOVE their ornaments. Thank you so very much. They are precious and I can never be more thankful for your kindness.

Julee H. Nappier said...

You are so welcome! I wish I could have found those darn frosted ornaments...but they turned out cute!(:

Amanda Parker said...

Thanks for bringing Macy home. Glad you had fun!