Thursday, December 11, 2008

Jingles the Elf

Jingles the Elf in our little present tree....we have a tree for little presents and a tree for
big presents.
Last year, Jingles came to visit us over the Christmas holiday. He watches over the kids and reports back to Santa. He looks like a stuffed doll during the day, but at night comes alive and gets into all kinds of mischief! Well, this year he didn't return from the NP. We were wondering where he was. It was two weeks into December!!! So....
....Kimbell wrote a letter to Santa and found out he had had an awful accident while returning to Auburn from the NP and broke his leg!! He wouldn't be coming this year.): Kimbell was soooo upset for Jingles...not himself which really surprised me.

Well, Jingles HAS returned...with his leg all wrapped up to prove it! Notice the cast in the first photo.

Kimbell is thrilled and I am thrilled!! He's funnier than ever this year!

I just had to share our precious story with you. I know a lot of moms are dealing with the elves this year and they bring such joy to our lives most of the time don't they??


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Everyday with the Edwards said...

Oh no, poor Jingles! I am glad he is back in the Nappier house...I think we will have to find an elf friend for our house next year! :)

Anonymous said...

How funny that you have a "Jingles"!The elf at our house is Jingles. There is actually a website called and it has a book and elf for sale! The little elf looks different but it is the same concept as your story and this little guy has a "magic" bell to report back to the North Pole with! My children love it! I think this is such a great idea to do with your little ones! Enjoy them!

Ashley Thames said...

So funny! Our elf is named Jingles too:)