Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Kids say the cutest things....Part 2!

Mally was throwing an awful fit about something the other day. Just was full of attitude and talking back to me. She hasn't been sleeping good lately and she gets MOODY without sleep!

Anyway, I told her she was sassy.

She replied, "I'm NOT sassy!"

"I'm Mally!"

I had to smile. (:

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Everyday with the Edwards said...

Haha, that's precious! It's funny how even when they are having a fit they can still make us laugh!

Heather said...

I know how it is.... it is so hard for me to keep a straight face with Sullivan sometimes when she is in trouble. She is so funny I just can't help it.

Julee H. Nappier said...

I know...they're sometimes so cute they're hard to punish.(: