Sunday, November 16, 2008

Best Friends!

I should have been extremely mad at the girls for destroying Mally's room, but when I went upstairs...after hearing a lot of thumps and thuds...I saw two girls loving and playing together like best friends. It melted my heart. They're only 14 months apart and it just warms my soul to think that they will hopefully always be there for each other...and I think they will.(:
I hope to install in them a sense of love and appreciation for one another. I'm so proud of the bond they have formed and now look at them as not just sisters, but best friends.

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Wilson's Winners said...

How sweet is that?!?!?

Molly said...

love it, love it, love it!!!!

Tiffany said...

I didn't realize your girls were only 14 months apart. My yongest two are 15 months apart. Our 4th was a surprise (nice way of saying "accident"). Did you plan it like that?!?

Julee H. Nappier said...

Oh no. It took over 2 years to conceive Mally so I wasn't expecting Claire. I'm thrilled it turned out like it did though. God really knowsvwhat he's know.(:

The Rouse Family said...

HOW SWEET! My brother and I are 14 months apart. I know it's hard but so worth it for those sweet girls.

Tiffany said...

Julie - When I found out I was expecting with Hannah, I started crying! Kathryn was only 6 months old and she wasn't exactly an easy baby. I climbed into bed that night, crying, and said to Mark, "This wasn't part of my plan." Mark replied, "It's part of God's plan." So you're right - God really knows what He's doing!

Everyday with the Edwards said...

They are precious! Leah has that same bedding...I love it!

Amanda Parker said...

I'm not sure anything makes a momma happier than seeing her children getting along and truly loving each other. It's too bad we have quite a few years ahead of us where they'll be fighting like cats & dogs -- and believe me, I know... we're right in the thick of that stage now!! But it'll all be worth it in the end. When they are 28 & 29 and best friends we'll all share an enormous sigh of relief and a great big smile!

Julee H. Nappier said...

Can't wait for those days...I get all choked up watching the movie, Because I Said So.
I love their relationship with the special, you know.

Elizabeth said...

Sweet girls.

barclay said...

I love the relationship that my boys have now - they are 19 months apart. It is something to cherish!