Saturday, January 17, 2009

Tag!!! I'm it! I'm supposed to following the rules and tell 10 Honest Things about myself. Sounds pretty easy so lets start!

10 Honest things about myself:

1. I really don't like going out. What I mean by that is that I love having dinner with friends OR my husband, but after that I like to WRAP IT UP and get home. Sounds boring, right!? Well, I guess I am!

I'm not into going to clubs dancing or staying out until's just not my thing! I'm 33. I feel silly going somewhere and looking at all the 20, 21, 22 year olds. I know they're like, "Why are these old people here!" That's what I said in college to the 30 somethings out at bars.

I rather be in bed or a hot bubble bath reading my people magazine after a wonderful meals and a couple drinks. In the morning... I'm not hurting from a hangover or needing more sleep...I feel great! So that's that...I was honest! Sorry!

2. I need to lose 10 lbs. at least! I haven't weighed this much since I was pregnant! Now, SOME people look at me and think she looks good...she's not fat! BUT I see it and I am extremely uncomfortable right now. I'm not stressing over it because I know I can lose it. I'm getting the determination, but I'm still not happy about it. I can run about 3-4 miles at a time so I'm not unhealthy...just fat! Just being honest!

3. I hate low rise jeans and I'm too old for them! Who are we fooling?? They're not made for women in their 30's and 40's who have had babies! They're NOT flattering on girls in their 20's!! Butt cracks are NOT pretty! I'm sorry.

4. I love Days of Our Lives! I'm addicted! It has this British actor on there, EJ,...oh, my! I DVR it everyday and HAVE to watch it! I even have the site on my iPhone! Pitiful, right!?

5. I love my family...I REALLY, REALLY do. I think they are adorable and wonderful and I can't imagine my life any different. Now, we're not perfect, but we are happy! I also know it can be taken away in a flash so I thank God everyday for them. Thank you, Lord!

6. I love taking I know this comes as a surprise to you.(: I love it though! I will look at my kids or really anyone and think 100 times a day what a wonderful photo I could have taken IF I had my camera!! I will tell my kids to FREEZE in the strangest moments! Isn't that weird! I do it though...all day. It drives Joe mad because MOST of the time I do have my camera!!

7. I don't like football. OK, I said it! I could care less if I EVER see another football game again. Sorry. With that said I'm pretty good at catching a football though. Joe will try and throw it as hard as he can to me. I usually catch it! He thinks that's pretty neat because I'm such a girlie girl.(:

Oh, but I love entertaining for it so it works out perfect. The men watch the game and I cook and entertain!!

8. I wish I could have another baby. I always wanted 4. Joe is fixed so it's NOT happening, but I would have another if I could.

9. I don't stink! I'm serious! After I have been running or exercising I sweat, but I don't smell...ever. My mom said my dad was the same way. No B.O.! Lucky, I guess.(:

10. I think honesty is one of the best qualities to have. It's not easy, but I respect people that are honest more than any other people in the world. I have to work on this characteristic because I will bend and stretch just to not hurt someones feelings, but gosh I admire it. What a wonderful trait to have!

OK, girlies...I am tagging...Heather Bell, Barclay, Holly(right)...up for the challenge?? You HAVE to so it now!(: Also, Mandi R. and Ali Wilson.(:

Don't disappoint me, girls!

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Amanda at Amanda's Parties To Go said...

Love the post. Love how you elaborated on each of them... think I might go back and elaborate on mine now. I wasn't surprised at any of the 10... pretty much knew them, well, except for the BO part. I don't think I've ever gotten that close to smelling you! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Ok Julee, I have to be honest with you. You are not fat and look great and you wanting four babies i mean come on don't you see how crazy my life is with four and come on dont you want to shake your booty till midnight with me!!

Julee H. Nappier said...

A, the BO part was a very important part.(: I think you know just about everything now...probably too much!

Still want 4, Holly. I think you got things pretty under control, girl. You're a great mommy.(:

Molly said...

I LOVE YOU!!!!! You crack me up! Amanda tagged me and I promise I will get to it. Pass that on to her.

Amanda at Amanda's Parties To Go said...

Sorry I didn't write this before.... YOU ARE NOT FAT! YOU ARE NOT FAT! YOU ARE NOT FAT! You are beautiful... one hot mama -- and no, we won't let you have any more kids... you'd never go out with us anymore if you did... pinky swear!

Julee H. Nappier said...

Wow! You even pinky sweared on it! I DO believe you!(:

Love you too, Molly!(:

Tiffany said...

You are too cute!

Julee H. Nappier said...

I just want to say for the record that Holly did her Honesty Tag and sent it to me via email.

It was sooo funny! I wish I could copy and post it myself!

She's out of the blogging world...with her own blog that is, but I just wanted to say...I Love Ya!

You're the best!

Everyone needs to just leave you alone about the roommate thing....

...they're just jealous and wish they had bowels like you!(: