Monday, January 4, 2010

Hats or Heels??

Mally and Claire in Kimbell's clothes.
What beautiful heels you have!

That's my girl!

Hats or heels??? That's the BIG question of the day. It seems like my girls have the best of both worlds, and I'm SO glad! They love being girlie girls with their makeup kits, hair bows, dolls, and bubble baths. On the other hand, they can get dirty and be tough just like their brother. Or just enjoy hanging out with the guys. Claire STILL thinks she can pee standing up...goodness me! So what ya think...hats or heels?? I say both! Why not enjoy a lil of both worlds!? Life's too short ya know. Enjoy it!


Heather said...

Oh my gosh I cant believe how big Claire is!!! She looks just like Kimbell. Whew you have such beautiful babies.

Julee H. Nappier said...

You are too sweet! Thank you! You do too!