Monday, June 9, 2008

To my good friend, Amanda.

I just want to tell you...because you tell me all the much I appreciate you as a friend and fellow blogger. You have really made all this blogging stuff that much more fun and interesting for me. I have enjoyed all the calls, praise, and support you have given me. I can always count on you for some cute and funny comment on my page. You have been there...when our husbands have been about to kill us..... and I am so very thankful! Cheers to you, Amanda! Much love.(:

PS- Check her blog out at You'll love it!

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1 comment:

Amanda at Amanda's Parties To Go said...

Awwwwww, that's so sweet, Jules! I used to like to come in and check my messages on my machine. I'm over that now. Now I like to come in and check my comments on my blog -- and they're pretty much all to you -- my lone blogger bud. You, too, have made this whole experience so much fun. And it feels great to be keeping a record of the mundane, day-to-day antics of our lives. You are the best and the sweetest! Love Ya!